Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year 2010

God doesn't care about dates. I know that. But humans like to measure time and seasons, and so I'm thrilled to turn the calendar leaf to 2010. A new year. A new decade. So many possibilities! So many opportunities!

The surge of energy means buying ink for new art projects. Two terrariums graced the holiday tables: a few tiny plants under glass = visual bliss that's fading with low light in the rooms. Time to refresh them? I found a new hair color, thanks to Sally's Beauty Supply and a daughter's help. I've been living other people's lives (from the 1900s-1950s), reading and writing madly on two papers - one submitted, one still in rough notes.

Best of all, underneath are the everlasting arms. As we face a year without our dear Miriam, with new health challenges for Kirsten, with deadlines for studies, new classes to prep, and always life to be lived... I met an alum who manages the Daniel Smith Store in Bellevue today and had tea with another who is becoming well-known worldwide as a pastel artist and art blogger. Who else will cross our paths? Can't wait to meet you!

God is good. All the time. Always in the storm with us, sometimes calming the storm around us.

What are you looking forward to in 2010? Comments and links welcome!

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