Monday, November 5, 2012

Difficult words, on choosing what is right

Sometimes we have to say things we don't want to say. Occasionally, our conviction as believers goes against every politically correct assumption. I had to make an un-PC statement today and it wasn't easy or fun.

I'm not an American citizen so it's somewhat puzzling to me how the government promotes changing morality and values. At issue today is the issue of homosexuality sanctioned as holy matrimony. With enough lobbying and enough ads, it seems even Christians believe that people living in opposition to God's partnership of man and wife should be allowed the benefits of "what God joins together."

Who established the institution of marriage? If we believe it was God, who had human interests and his own nature in mind, how can we meddle with the definition of marriage as he established it? He put together one man and one woman, noting they'd leave their parents and cleave to each other. There's never a hint in scripture that male-male relationships or female-female relationships should have the same bond and intimacy. In fact, in the larger scope of relationships, such behavior seems to be a punishment for forsaking God's laws (Romans 1-2), hurting those who indulge in it as well as those who sanction it.

Studies show that those abused in childhood are more likely than others to choose such a harmful lifestyle and other deviant behaviors. Random sampling studies show how children without father-mother role models struggle to learn various normal social interactions, in contrast to selective population studies done by pro-gay groups that show no difference. Yet anyone who dares to publish a study to contradict gay-rights activists is tarred and feathered socially and academically.

So I have to say I'm saddened and a bit sickened as I write this blog. I'm tempted and broken in other areas. I have to continue to seek God's forgiveness and help for my own sins. Some of my friends struggle with sexual temptation in various areas. I don't condone their behavior, nor would they condone mine when I would choose to sin in my own areaa of brokenness.

How I wish society hadn't morphed toward accepting deviant behaviors in this area and others. A generation ago, believers would have been appalled by any idea of their neighbors (never mind they themselves) voting to legalize homosexual relationships through holy matrimony. In this generation, after all the promotions, ads, and false claims of "healthy relationships," from what I'm reading on FB, many of my Christian friends are supporting the Washington bill to give gay couples the right to marry.

It's extremely unpopular to say that God judges the wicked. But it's certainly biblical to say that he withholds his protection from them and nations that support wickedness. May God have mercy on our souls and on the nation. He who made us knows that we are dust and that we need him to live life well each day.

Read more:
*What are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them? Psalm 8:4

*He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy. Blessed is the man who always fears the Lord, but he who hardens his heart falls into trouble. Proverbs 28:13-14 NIV

*Though the wicked hide along the way to kill me, I will quietly keep my mind on your laws." Psalm 119:95

*God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

Moravian Prayer: Father, you give us so much more than we deserve. Show us the way to live like you; to give to others more than we think they deserve and more than we think we can afford. Amen.

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